Six signs you need a therapist

Medically Reviewed By Dr. Jose Toledo

Six signs you need a therapist

Making the decision to seek help can be a daunting one. People wonder: will this just go away; is it normal to feel like this; can I even be helped…?

A stark fact is that nearly always any type of mental health problem will get progressively worse if not treated. Most people find that by ignoring or avoiding seeking help it will in the majority of cases only exacerbate the situation.

It’s just as with a physical wound. Without the right attention a small cut can turn into a more painful infected and much bigger wound. 

By addressing the issue and treating the problem in the early stages it can save a lot of unnecessary long-term pain. So the sooner a problem is addressed, the swifter the root causes can be discovered and fixed.

Letting them go on just makes it more difficult and takes longer to treat. It means pain persists and in most instances it also intensifies.

Here are six signs that you or someone you care about may need to see a therapist.

1. Feeling isolated, avoiding contact with others

We all need some time on our own occasionally. This is perfectly healthy.

But when the thought of being around others is causing anxiety or an overwhelming sense of wanting to withdraw from socializing, it may well be time to consider therapy.

This can start as the occasional feeling of not being “up to it” from time to time. But then that becomes every day.

It can even lead to agoraphobia. Sometimes it’s been said of people in this emotional state  that it’s like being on your own in a dark room developing your negatives.

Disconnection and isolation is a major sign of mental health problems – ranging from anxiety, stress and depression to addiction too. It’s a clear indicator it will be beneficial to speak with a therapist.

2. Too many anxious thoughts

We all have things we worry about. This is part of life.

Usually these worries can be resolved relatively quickly and without too much emotional disturbance. When these thoughts begin to affect your daily living though, it’s a sign they are more than they should be.

This can swiftly become an anxiety disorder or depression. If someone’s day-to-day life is affected like this it is a clear sign to see a therapist.

3. No energy, feeling constantly tired and/or generally unwell

Feeling physically unwell for no apparent or actual medical reason can be an indication that someone is not in a place of emotional wellbeing.

Body, mind and emotions are all very much connected. Emotional stressors can have a significant influence on our physical state. 

There are clear connections between physical wellbeing and anxiety, depression and stress. Having a lowered immune system, fatigue, digestive disorders, skin problems, aches and pains – all of these can be linked to an emotional imbalance.

4. Interrupted sleep patterns

We all need several hours of sleep every night. Without it, the next day will be more of a struggle than it should be – whatever happens during that day.

When we are tired, tasks are much harder to do and take longer. We are much more easily irritated and swifter to feel negative emotional responses.

It can become a vicious circle as life seems to be a struggle. We are more tired and yet much less able to sleep soundly.

Interrupted sleep patterns and insomnia can be very difficult. They can also be signs that you need to talk about something with a therapist.

5. Feeling easily overwhelmed

Sometimes normal day-to-day emotions can become increasingly difficult to manage. It might be related to your relationship, work, a trauma or excessive stress.

If these emotional disturbances are daily – or at least happen a few times every week – for a few weeks, then they start to move outside the realms of our normal coping mechanisms.

They will affect your ability to live normally. Even regular things such as making a phone call or collecting the children from school can seem too much.

You may notice that you are finding it harder to focus. Indecisiveness can creep in at any time, making things you usually cope with seem very confusing and difficult.

It may be that you are finding activities you once loved doing are totally uninteresting to you now. If feelings of apathy and despair are encroaching on your day-to-day wellbeing it can be due to depression.

These are all sure signs that talking to a therapist will be beneficial. Whatever the problem, there’s always a solution if we talk it through with someone who understands these things.

6. Relying on substances to get you through each day

If someone feels as if they cannot face the day or wind down without the use of alcohol or other substances, it can be a sign that social use has turned to addiction. This is frequently coupled with remorse afterwards at drinking excessively or using once again.

It doesn’t need to be alcohol or drugs either. There are many behavioral addictions such as gaming, exercising, social media, shopping, sex, porn and gambling.

As with drinking or using drugs, if these are detrimental to you and/or those around you but you cannot seem to stop – then it could be an addiction. Sometimes one of the first signs is that family, friends and/or colleagues are becoming increasingly concerned. 

Having your family and friends raise their concerns like this over your mental or emotional wellbeing may not be easy to hear. But if there’s a pattern of concern from the important people in your life it may well be that heeding the warnings they’re giving you is exactly what you need to do.

This means that seeing a therapist will be of immense help. If you delay, the addiction will only take more hold of you.

Our expert Tikvah Lake team has decades of professional experience in treating all types of mental health problems. We have proven successful treatments that can help anyone, no matter what they are suffering from right now.

We specialize in offering regular one-on-one therapy sessions. We have found over the years this is by far the most effective form of treatment.

Located right beside a beautiful tranquil lake, our luxurious mansion is situated in the perfect natural setting for wellbeing, relaxation and recovery.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you or someone you care about to move into recovery.

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