According to the National Institute of Health, approximately 10% of U.S. adults have a drug use disorder at some time in their lives. And yet, about 75% report not receiving any form of treatment to overcome their addiction. Unfortunately, there are several common barriers to addiction treatment that keep people from receiving the treatment they need to lead a healthier life. Keep reading to learn more about these common barriers to addiction below.
Tikvah Lake is a luxury rehab in Florida committed to helping clients overcome addiction for a happier, healthier life. We understand that no two recovery journeys are ever the same. That’s why our drug rehab in Sebring offers tailored care to ensure you receive the personalized treatment you need to best address your unique recovery needs. You should never feel like you need to overcome your addiction all on your own. Contact us today to learn more about how we can best support your recovery journey.
5 Common Barriers to Addiction Treatment
Seeking professional addiction treatment is a safe and effective way to detox, overcome addiction, and achieve lasting sobriety. Unfortunately, sometimes seeking addiction treatment is easier said than done. Below are several common barriers to addiction treatment that can keep many people from receiving the essential care they need to lead a healthier, happier life.
- Fear of Judgement or Stigma
A common barrier to addiction treatment is that many people struggling with substance abuse fear the shame or judgment they’ll receive from others in their lives. Many people try to hide and deny that they have a drug problem. Therefore, sometimes family or friends may not understand the full extent of a person’s drug problem. Many people struggling with addiction may be scared to seek professional treatment, because by doing so, they will have to tell others in their life about their drug problem.
- Sense of Denial
Another common barrier is that many people are in denial about their drug problem. As a result, they may not even think they need professional addiction treatment in the first place. This sense of denial can keep individuals from seeking the help that they need, allowing them to justify or make excuses for their drug problem.
- Financial Challenges
Some people struggling with addiction may also experience financial challenges that can keep them from seeking the addiction treatment they need. Depending on their insurance and finances, a person may choose to forgo seeking professional treatment at a drug rehab because treatment may seem too expensive. Or, they may worry that seeking treatment would require time away from work, thus negatively impacting their ability to overall finances.
- Personal and Professional Responsibilities
Similar to the last point, many people struggling with substance abuse may not seek treatment for personal and professional responsibilities. They may have children whom they care for or have work obligations that can keep them from seeking the essential care they need to find sobriety.
- Lack of Support from Loved Ones
Last but not least, some people may experience a lack of support from loved ones. If you don’t have a great support system of friends and family members who encourage you to seek professional help, this can oftentimes delay the time it takes for you to finally seek addiction treatment, because you may feel like you are not worthy of receiving treatment or that you may think that getting sober is hopeless.
Leading Drug Rehab in Florida
Addiction is a debilitating disease that doesn’t discriminate. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, it’s critical you receive the essential care you need to safely and effectively overcome addiction for good.
At Tikvah Lake, we offer a range of addiction and mental health treatment programs so you can receive the tailored care you need to best support your road to recovery. Whether you are struggling with alcohol addiction, depression, anxiety, or a co-occurring disorder, our compassionate team is here to help you take back control over your life. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you on your recovery journey.
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